2dF QSO Redshift Survey

Figures for survey objectives

Sorry. I'm still writing the captions, so some of them are missing below

Figure 1: The QSO-galaxy angular cross-correlation function w_{qg}( theta ) for the 169 z \leq 0·3 EMSS QSOs and APM B_J \leq 20·5 galaxies. The dashed curve is the angular B < 20·5 galaxy auto-correlation function, w_{gg}( theta ), derived from the APM galaxy survey (Maddox et al. 1991). The dotted lines indicate the ±2\sigma limits for the fit of w_{gg}( theta ) to w_{qg}( theta ). The agreement between the amplitudes of the two functions implies that the clustering properties (and thus environments) of these QSOs are identical to those of galaxies.

Figure 2: xi in an unbiased, Omega_0 = 1, CDM model for redshifts, z = 0, 1, 2, 3, taken from Hamilton et al. (1991). A r^{-1·8} power law (dotted line) is shown for comparison.

Figure 3: The Durham/AAT, ESO/AAT and CFHT correlation function on small scales assuming q_0=0·5. The dotted line corresponds to xi (r)=(r/r_0)^{-1·8} with r_0 = 6h ^{-1} Mpc (Shanks & Boyle 1994).

Figure 4: xi(r) for the Durham/AAT, ESO/AAT and CFHT on large scales. The dot-dashed and representative line is a -1·8 power law with r_0 = 6h ^{-1} Mpc, similar to the APM correlation function (Maddox et  al. (1991)). The solid lines are Omega_0 = 1, CDM correlation functions (from Holtzmann 1989) normalized to the detected QSO correlation function within 10h ^{-1} Mpc, with h = 0·5 and n = 0·5, 1 and 1·5 (top to bottom), the middle solid line corresponding to standard CDM.

Figure 5: The amplitude of xi at r \sim 10h ^{-1} Mpc. The evolution of the amplitude of xi is predicted under three simple linear evolution models which include the effect of biasing after Bardeen et al (1986). The solid lines represent Omega_0 = 1 with b = 1 (steeper curve) and b = 2 (shallower curve). The dotted line represents Omega_0 = 0·1, b = 1. The points plotted are estimates of xi at approximately the 10h ^{-1} Mpc scale taken from current surveys (see Shanks & Boyle 1994). With a ×50 increase in the sample size we shall be able to distinguish between an Omega_0 = 1 with 1 \leq b \leq 1·5 and the unbiased open model.

Figure 6: An illustration of how the ratio of angular to radial distances varies as a function of z for different cosmological models. We plot f(z)/g(z), where the co-moving distance (r) between two QSOs separated by Delta z in the redshift direction and Delta theta in the angular direction is given by r² = g² Deltaz² + f² Deltatheta². It can be seen that at high z there is a large difference between the lambda_0 =1 ( lambda_0 = Lambda c² / 3H_0²) and the lambda_0 =0 models (Phillipps 1994).

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Robert J. Smith, rjs@astro.livjm.ac.uk
Last modified: Fri Mar 30 11:20:30 BST 2001

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