Sorry. I'm still writing the captions, so some of them are missing below
Figure 1:
The QSO-galaxy angular cross-correlation function w_{qg}(
) for the 169 z
0·3 EMSS QSOs and APM B_J
20·5 galaxies. The dashed curve is the angular B < 20·5 galaxy
auto-correlation function, w_{gg}(
), derived from the APM galaxy survey (Maddox et al. 1991).
The dotted lines indicate the ±2\sigma limits for the fit of w_{gg}(
) to w_{qg}(
). The agreement between the amplitudes of the two functions implies that the clustering properties
(and thus environments) of these QSOs are identical to those of galaxies.
Figure 2:
in an unbiased,
= 1, CDM model for redshifts, z = 0, 1, 2, 3,
taken from Hamilton et al. (1991). A r^{-1·8}
power law (dotted line) is shown for comparison.
Figure 3:
The Durham/AAT, ESO/AAT and CFHT correlation function on small scales assuming q_0=0·5.
The dotted line corresponds to
(r)=(r/r_0)^{-1·8} with r_0 = 6h
Mpc (Shanks & Boyle 1994).
Figure 4:
(r) for the Durham/AAT, ESO/AAT and CFHT on large scales. The dot-dashed and representative
line is a -1·8 power law with r_0 = 6h
Mpc, similar to the APM correlation function (Maddox et al. (1991)). The solid lines are
= 1, CDM correlation functions (from Holtzmann 1989) normalized to the detected QSO
correlation function within 10h
Mpc, with h = 0·5 and n = 0·5, 1 and 1·5 (top to bottom), the
middle solid line corresponding to standard CDM.
Figure 5:
The amplitude of
at r
Mpc. The evolution of the amplitude of
is predicted under three simple linear evolution models which include the effect of biasing after
Bardeen et al (1986). The solid lines represent
= 1
with b = 1 (steeper curve) and b = 2 (shallower curve). The dotted line
= 0·1, b = 1. The points plotted are estimates of
at approximately the 10h
Mpc scale taken from current surveys (see Shanks & Boyle 1994). With a ×50
increase in the sample size we shall be able to distinguish between an
= 1 with 1
1·5 and the unbiased open model.
Figure 6:
An illustration of how the ratio of angular to radial distances varies as a function of z
for different cosmological models. We plot f(z)/g(z), where the co-moving distance (r)
between two QSOs separated by
z in the redshift direction and
in the angular direction is given by r² = g²
z² + f²
It can be seen that at high z there is a large difference between the
=1 (
c² / 3H_0²) and the
=0 models (Phillipps 1994).
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