We are proposing to use the 2dF to make a simultaneous QSO and galaxy redshift survey across two declination strips, one in the South Galactic Pole and one in an equatorial region at the North Galactic Cap. The Southern strip will be in the same area of sky as the Durham/UKST B<17 galaxy redshift survey. QSOs will be selected by the ultra-violet excess (UVX) method and the key to the success of this proposal is the large amount of deep U plate material which we have already obtained with the UK Schmidt Telescope. We shall observe 120 - 130 UVX QSO candidates per fibre field to B=21. The area surveyed in each strip will be 75° × 5° and the resulting catalogue will contain 30000 z<2·2 QSOs. Combined with large area galaxy redshift surveys, it will form the most comprehensive picture of the large-scale structure of the Universe in a given area of sky, with the QSOs probing the structure up to scale lengths of 1000h Mpc (comparable to the scales studied by COBE) and the galaxies at B<20 forming a more detailed picture of the topology on scales up to 500h Mpc.
(a) The Non - Linear Regime: (r < 10h
At small scales we will obtain information about the development of the
non-linear regime of QSO clustering in the redshift range
0·5<z<2·2. Since the Ellingson et al. (1991) result suggests that
optical QSOs randomly sample the optical galaxy distribution, this means
that we will also be investigating the evolution of the galaxy correlation
function at these depths.
In this range of redshifts, an unbiased,
= 1, CDM model predicts that there will be substantial evolution of the correlation function,
at small scales (see
Fig. 2
), whereas a biased CDM model predicts much less evolution in
(as measured in comoving coordintes). Even by
combining all 700 QSOs in the existing deep (B<21) surveys
(Durham/AAT+ESO/AAT+CFHT, see Shanks & Boyle 1994), at present there
are only 40 QSO pairs with r<10h
Mpc. From this data the suggestion is that the QSO clustering amplitude seems more
consistent with comoving evolution, although the data
allows only a rough correlation function amplitude to be measured for
r < 10h
Mpc on the assumption of an underlying -1·8 power-law (see
Fig. 3
). With
2000 r < 10h
pairs available in the proposed survey, this will make possible an accurate
measurement of both the amplitude (± 10%) and the slope (±
0·1) of the correlation function over the whole redshift range
0·5<z<2·2. Further, at scales < 2h
Mpc present QSO samples contain no QSO pairs. With a sample of
30000 QSOs we estimate (assuming
for the QSO sample) that we should find
QSO pairs at these scales. At this scale we might expect clustering to be stable in
proper coordinates, in which case it may follow a different evolution
with z. Also on these < 2h
Mpc scales the 3-D QSO clustering
evolution results can be directly compared to those obtained from deep
2-D analyses of galaxy clustering (Roche et al 1993).
By comparing the results for
over the entire 0 < r < 10h
Mpc range with the predictions from cosmological N-body and hydrodynamic simulations
we shall be able to discriminate between not just biased and unbiased CDM but also
HDM, baryonic and low
(b) The Intermediate Linear Regime: (10 < r < 30h
Here we will determine the form of the QSO correlation function at the
scales where it is most sensitive to the primordial mass spectrum. At these
scales the correlation function is claimed to show excess
power over what is expected for
a standard CDM model, on the basis of the projected APM correlation function
(Maddox et al. 1991) and, at a less significant level, on the basis of the
IRAS redshift survey correlation function. In this range of scales, QSO surveys
are becoming highly competitive with galaxy redshift surveys in terms of the
statistical accuracy of the correlation function since they are effectively
a very sparse sampled dataset (Kaiser 1987) with each QSO bringing almost
completely independent correlation function information.
Currently the QSO correlation function errors in this range are
0·15 from the 700 QSOs in the Durham/AAT+ESO+CFHT surveys and show insignificant excess
power over that expected for CDM (see Mo & Fang 1993). However, a correlation function
as flat as the APM result is also not significantly excluded. In the proposed 30000
QSO survey this error will reduce to
0·02 and we will be able to discriminate
between the APM and the standard CDM correlation function slopes at the
level (see
Fig. 4
). This is a powerful example of what will be possible
with a QSO correlation function measured to this accuracy in this intermediate
regime. In
Fig. 4
we also show the different correlation function shapes
expected for a canonical CDM power spectrum form with primordial index running
between 0·5 < n < 1·5, the range favoured by consideration of the
COBE results and inflation theory. With errors as low as
0·02, the proposed 2dF QSO survey therefore
provides the unique opportunity to obtain an independent determination of the
index of the primordial fluctuation power spectrum to
(c) The Fully Linear Regime: (30 < r < 1000h
At these very large scales, the QSOs are clearly superior to galaxies as
probes of large scale structure by virtue of both their sparse sampling
and their flat n(z) distribution. This regime, between the APM and
the COBE scales is still highly controversial. Although many basic models
such as standard CDM predict that
is close to zero on these scales, many previous methods of probing
large-scale structure have suggested significant power in this range
e.g. bulk motions, Abell clusters, bright B galaxy counts (the `local hole'),
the possible 100h
Mpc scale cell structure in galaxy redshift surveys such as
CfA, Durham/UKST and the claimed 128h
Mpc periodicity in the faint galaxy redshift survey of Broadhurst et al.
(1990). However, even if such features are
real they are only expected to have very low amplitude,
< 0·05, as measured by the correlation function. At
Mpc the correlation function from the 700 Durham/AAT+ESO/AAT+CFHT QSOs has
errors at the
0·05 level and is only showing some tentative evidence of weak features, eg.
a possible anti-correlation at the
= -0·05 level at
Mpc (see
Fig. 4
). We have used simulations to determine the likely error on
at these scales in the proposed survey. These show that the error at r
Mpc will reduce from ± 0·05 to ± 0·003. This means that features even at the
= 0·02 level could be detected at
. No other method of probing
large scale structure can reach these levels of precision in the same exposure
(b) QSO geometric measurement of
With the 50-fold increase number of QSO pairs at small separations in the
proposed QSO survey, an even more powerful geometric test for the cosmological
constant will be available to us. The test, suggested by
Phillipps (1994), after Alcock & Pacynski (1979), comprises a comparison
of the extent of small scale QSO clustering in the redshift and angular directions.
Under the reasonable assumption that the QSO small-scale clustering will
be spherically
symmetric at least in the average, the extent of the QSO correlation function
should be the same in both directions. However, the distance between a
pair of QSOs measured in the line of sight from the redshifts has a different
dependence on the cosmological parameters from the distance measured in
the angular direction. By demanding that these two distances are in the average
the same, a powerful cosmological test emerges. Now in the case of
models the difference between the 2 extents is only small for values of
in the range 0 <
< 0·5 (see
Fig. 6
). However, the difference in extents for models with
0 can be much more significant. For example, in the
interesting case of a zero spatial curvature model with
0 the result is strikingly different from the conventional case.
The current constraints on
from this method are poor, since there are only 40 correlated QSO pairs with
r < 10h
Mpc. However in the proposed survey the number of pairs would rise to
and then, according to Phillipps (1994), there is the possibility of an almost
exact determination of
from this method. Redshift measurement errors and random small-scale
peculiar velocities are not a problem for this method, since their effects
are small if the extents are measured over 10h
comoving Mpc. Of course, it should also be noted that if the result is
consistent with
and 0 <
< 0·5 then this will be a non-negligible test of the GR theory that
relates the angular and redshift distance measurements.
Most of the examples given above discuss the measurement of QSO clustering using the correlation function, primarily for ease of comparison with existing analyses. However, we will also make extensive use of other statistics to measure QSO clustering e.g. power spectrum, higher order (3-point, 4-point) correlation functions, counts in cells etc. to extract the maximum information content from the proposed survey.
From this survey we will also be able to determine the space density and evolution of intrinsically rare classes of QSO e.g. Broad Absorption Line (BAL) QSOs, damped Ly QSOs and QSOs with strong metal absorption line systems. Based on a BAL QSO fraction of 5-10%, we expect to identify over 1500 BAL QSOs in this survey. This is sufficient to derive an accurate picture of their space density and evolution at z<2·2, and will provide vital clues to the physical nature of such systems. We will also identify QSOs with 1·9<z<2·2, the redshift range over which we will be able to identify candidate damped Ly systems. Assuming that 2-5% of QSOs exhibit damped Ly (Pettini, private comm.), we will identify 100-250 such systems in the survey, providing valuable data towards an accurate determination of the space density of the galactic disks at thought to be responsible for the damped Ly lines. Similar information should be derived for the significant number of strong metal-line absorption systems which will also be identified in this survey. With over 6000 bright (B<19·5) QSOs ( /2dF field) in the final sample, the survey will also provide an invaluable source of material for future, more detailed, spectroscopic campaigns of QSOs and their absorption line systems.
In passing, we note that the survey will also yield astrophysically important information on other classes of astronomical objects. Based on the Durham/AAT UVX survey (Boyle et al. 1990), we expect to find over 1500 hot white dwarfs and distant (r>50kpc) blue horizontal branch stars. The white dwarfs can be used to provide an accurate measure of their scale-height (Boyle 1989), possibly even as a function of spectroscopic class, and the horizontal branch stars are important tracers of the dynamics of the outer halo of our galaxy (Sommer-Larsen & Christiansen 1986).
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